Thursday, 22 December 2011

Olympic Park Trees To Become Artwork

As a permanent reminder of the London 2012 Olympic Games next year, the 10 biggest trees in the Olympic Park are to be turned into works of art.

Engraved metal rings measuring six metres (20ft) wide and up to half a tonne (500kg) in weight, will be wrapped around the red oak, silver lime and common ash trees. Over time the tree branches and ring will slowly fuse together.

Funded by the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) and Arts Council England, the Olympic Park in Stratford, east London, will feature 4,000 semi-mature trees and around 300,000 wetland plants.

This park has been designed by artists Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey. In a statement they said “Trees mark the passing of time through their yearly ring growth”.

“The artwork will transform as the seasons change, reflecting the evolving nature of the Olympic Park”.

The ODA has said that the trees would stand up to 18m (60ft) tall and mark out the entrances to the 500-acre Olympic Park.

There is set to be nine history rings with words giving information relevant to each location inscribed on the inside while the memories of residents will be featured on the 10th tree, an English Oak.

The shadow that is cast by this ring will be inlayed on to the ground in bronze so that each year it will momentarily align to commemorate the date and time of the London 2012 Games.

Special thanks to the BBC and for the above images.

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